There are multiple treatment arms in this study. Participants will either receive ABBV-706 as a single agent or in combination with budigalimab (another investigational drug), carboplatin or cisplatin (both chemotherapy drugs) at different doses.
In Part 1 (Dose Escalation), ABBV-706 will be intravenously infused in escalating doses as a monotherapy until the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) is determined in participants with small-cell lung cancer, (SCLC) high-grade central nervous system tumours, and high-grade neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs).
In Part 2, multiple doses will be selected from Part 1 and SCLC participants will be assigned to one of these doses in a randomised fashion to determine the recommended Phase 2 dose.
In Part 3a, participants with SCLC or NECs will receive ABBV-706 in combination with budigalimab intravenously every 3 weeks.
In Part 3b, participants with SCLC or NECs will receive ABBV-706 in combination with either carboplatin or cisplatin intravenously.
In Part 4a, participants with central nervous sytem tumours will receive ABBV-706 intravenously at a dose selected from Part 1.
In Part 4b, participants with NECs will receive ABBV-706 intravenously at or below the MTD.
This trial is treating patients with advanced recurrent or refractory solid tumours with potential SEZ6 expression, including small-cell lung cancer, high-grade central nervous system tumours, and neuroendocrine tumours