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Closed (no longer recruiting)Last updated: 8 August 2024

LIBRETTO-121: This phase I/II trial is testing a new oral cancer drug (LOXO-292) for the treatment of children that have advanced solid- or primary central nervous system- cancerA Phase 1/2 Study of the Oral RET Inhibitor LOXO 292 in Pediatric Patients With Advanced RET-Altered Solid or Primary Central Nervous System Tumors

Clinical summary


This study includes 2 parts: phase 1 (dose escalation) and phase 2 (dose expansion). In phase 1, eligible patients will be enrolled using a rolling 6 dose escalation scheme, with the starting dose of LOXO-292 being 160mg, twice daily (. equivalent to an adult recommended phase 2 dose). Once maximum tolerated dose or recommended phase 2 dose is identified in phase 1 of this trial, patients will be enrolled to one of four phase 2 dose expansion cohorts, depending on tumour histology and genotype. The cycle length for both phase 1 and phase 2 will be 28 days.


This trial is treating patients with advanced solid cancer or a primary cancer of the central nervous system (CNS)


Multi-Cancer Multi-Cancer





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Trial sponsor

Loxo Oncology, Inc.

Scientific Title

A Phase 1/2 Study of the Oral RET Inhibitor LOXO 292 in Pediatric Patients With Advanced RET-Altered Solid or Primary Central Nervous System Tumors



  • Advanced or metastatic solid or primary CNS tumor which has failed standard of care therapies
  • Evidence of an activating RET gene alteration in the tumor and/or blood
  • Measurable or non-measurable disease
  • Karnofsky (participants 16 years and older) or Lansky (participants younger than 16) performance score of at least 50
  • Participant with primary CNS tumors or cerebral metastases must be neurologically stable for 7 days prior and must not have required increasing doses of steroids within the last 7 days
  • Adequate hematologic, hepatic and renal function.
  • Ability to receive study drug therapy orally or via gastric access
  • Willingness of men and women of reproductive potential to observe conventional and effective birth control


  • Major surgery within two weeks prior to planned start of LOXO-292
  • Clinically significant, uncontrolled cardiac, cardiovascular disease or history of myocardial infarction within 6 months prior to planned start of LOXO-292
  • Active uncontrolled systemic bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infection
  • Clinically significant active malabsorption syndrome
  • Pregnancy or lactation
  • Uncontrolled symptomatic hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism (i.e. the participant required a modification to current thyroid medication in the 7 days before start of LOXO-292)
  • Uncontrolled symptomatic hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia
  • Known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the investigational agent, LOXO-292 or Ora-Sweet® SF and OraPlus®, for participants who will receive LOXO-292 suspension
  • Prior treatment with a selective RET inhibitor(s) (including investigational selective RET inhibitor[s])


  • You have had treatment but your cancer has gotten worse or has not responded to the treatment you have been given.
  • You are able to swallow medication by mouth.


  • You have certain types of non-cancer medical conditions.
  • You have had certain treatments, surgical procedures or drugs.

Clinical trials have complex eligibility criteria.

Ask your doctor if this trial could be right for you.

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When you are considering a cancer clinical trial, it is a good idea to discuss it with your family, friends or carers.

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Victorian Cancer Registry Victorian Government

The Victorian Cancer Trials Link is supported by the Victorian Government through the Victorian Cancer Agency.


Cancer Council Victoria would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work. We would also like to pay respect to the elders past and present and extend that respect to all other Aboriginal people.